personal injury lawyers in a courtroom

As anyone who lives in California knows, it’s one of the best places in the U.S. to ride a motorcycle. A lot of motorists don’t give bikers respect on the road, and unfortunately the result is there are thousands of motorcycle accidents reported every year. If you’re one of these unlucky bikers and the accident wasn’t your fault, then you may want to consider hiring a California motorcycle accident lawyer.

Fighting against the insurance companies

One thing you have to remember is that motorcycle insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry. They will fight any claims against them tooth and nail. They have legions of lawyers at their disposal. These lawyers representing the insurance industry are extremely shrewd and experienced. Filing a claim against a motorcycle insurance company is a very complex process and their attorneys may have you sign documents or waivers that will completely ruin any chances you have for the compensation you truly deserve.

Why you need a motorcycle accident lawyer

A motorcycle accident attorney will ensure that all the proper evidence is collected. They will make sure that you don’t sign any documents from the insurance company that will hurt your chances of collecting the compensation you deserve. They will get documentation from the hospital, your doctor, and any specialists you may have seen or will have to see for ongoing therapy. They will talk to you about any lost wages that you have incurred. If your injuries are permanent, they will have to take into consideration the fact you may never be able to work or enjoy life to the fullest again like you once did. Insurance companies will often offer very little or nothing at all to cover pain and suffering.

Hiring the right California motorcycle accident lawyer

You may find it confusing or complicated when it comes to hiring the right California motorcycle accident lawyer, but the time you invest could easily be the difference in winning and losing your claim. You can start your search online, search engines like Google and others will give you enough choices to help you make your decision. Ask your friends or co-works if they have a motorcycle accident lawyer they would recommend, once you have some referrals get on the phone and speak with them and ask them how they would handle your case.

To find out whether a lawyer is right for you, sit down with the lawyer to discuss your claim and possible ways of handling it. Bring copies of all your documents: police report, medical records and bills, income loss information, and all correspondence with the insurance company. Most lawyers do not charge anything for an initial consultation. But before you meet with a lawyer, find out whether he or she will charge you for the first interview. If the lawyer wants to charge you just for discussing whether or not to take your case, go somewhere else.

Another reason you will need a motorcycle accident lawyer is if you have to go to court. Most cases involving motorcycle accidents can be settled out of court. However, should your case have to go to court it’s important you have an attorney by your side. As mentioned above, the insurance companies have very highly paid and knowledgeable lawyers at their disposal for the entire process including going to court if need be. So should you.

“If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, don’t let it steal your freedom! Call 1-800-4-BIKERS to learn how an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can get your bike fixed, money for your medical bills, and compensation for your pain and suffering.”