Winter Riding Tips From A State of California Safety Instructor

Winter Riding Tips From A State of California Safety Instructor

Winter is just around the corner, and in most of the United States, motorcycle riders are putting their motorcycles away.  In Southern California, we have the luxury of riding year-round.  Even though our weather is usually above freezing in Southern California, it...
Defensive Motorcycle Riding 

Defensive Motorcycle Riding 

Every time we get on a motorcycle, there is a high risk of being involved in a motorcycle accident.  According to statistics, you are between 22% and 38% more likely to be involved in a motorcycle than a car accident.  There are multiple ways we can significantly...
Splitting Traffic Lanes Safely

Splitting Traffic Lanes Safely

California was the first state to legalize lane splitting, which is incredible for motorcycle riders. The state of California had the California Highway Patrol develop some guidelines for lane splitting to make it safer for riders and the other vehicles on the road....
Motorcycles and Rain

Motorcycles and Rain

You got your motorcycle license, bought your gear, and are ready to ride. You jump on your bike, and it starts to rain five minutes down the road. You have probably heard that riding in the rain is terrible, and you’re probably about to be involved in a...
Professional Riding to a New Level

Professional Riding to a New Level

Quinn must be one of the most passionate motorcycle riders I have ever met. He loves to ride for fun but also professionally. I sat down with Quinn and dug into who Quinn is in his professional motorcycle riding and personal motorcycle riding career.   How old were...