Russ Brown Motorcycle Blog

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Motorcyclists, Texting And Driving Equals Death In Large Numbers

Motorcyclists, Texting And Driving Equals Death In Large Numbers

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Los Angeles; Los Angeles Police began to crack down on distracted drivers and will be out in the Los Angeles area in full force on Oct 16 to catch anyone texting, talking on the cell phone, putting on makeup, etc, etc. I get a lot of phone...

California Motorcycling Statistics

California Motorcycling Statistics

California Motorcycling By the Numbers by Russ Brown Motorcycle Lawyers has more motorcycles and motorcycle riders than any other state in the nation, and California motorcycle statistics for all aspects of riding, including those for motorcycle accidents, are used as...

Motorcycle Accident Injuries throughout California

Motorcycle Accident Injuries throughout California

Most California motorcycle riders know the grim facts—motorcyclists are sixteen times more likely to die in a single vehicle crash and three times more likely to be injured compared to the driver of a car, per mile traveled. Multiple vehicle crashes are just as...

Motorcycle Accidents And Spinal Cord Injuries

Motorcycle Accidents And Spinal Cord Injuries

California Motorcycle Accident Lawyers;  Spinal cord injuries are some of the worst injuries a Southern California motorcyclist can experience. Injuries to the spinal cord can leave California motorcycling victims with a lifetime of pain and disabilities, and can even...

Ride Hard live Free: Unless You Video A Traffic Stop

Ride Hard live Free: Unless You Video A Traffic Stop

Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys®: Video taping traffic stops. You may remember the case of Anthony Graber, the Maryland motorcyclist charged with violating the state’s wiretapping statute for recording his traffic stop and posting the video on YouTube. It's been said...

Even Low Speed California Motorcycle Accidents Can Be Tragic

Even Low Speed California Motorcycle Accidents Can Be Tragic

California Motorcycle Accident Lawyers;  Hollywood often depicts motorcycle accidents as dramatic high speed collisions. However, in real life, many tragic CA motorcycle accidents occur at low speeds. Unlike drivers of cars, trucks, and SUVS, motorcyclists have very...

Finding A Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Finding A Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

California Motorcycle Attorneys;  When a California motorcyclist hits the road, he expects to be covered by his insurance company. Unfortunately it is when a California motorcycling accident does occur, that many motorcyclists find out that their injuries are not...




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